stadium_by_region_city_10() Stadium Submission Form ../includes/stadium_functions.php
Tennessee  Football Stadium Database

William B. Greene Jr. Stadium

Updates and Correction Form

You may use this form for corrections and updates. Be sure and include the stadium name, city and your email address.
Data Point

Stadium Information:

Stadium ID Number: (Do not edit the stadium ID Number)
Stadium Name: (Required)
Field Name: (Field name or nick name here.)
Stadium Address: (This is the Stadium street address)
Stadium City:
Zip: (This is important)
Seating Capacity: (Give us your best estimate or the official capacity)
Wheel Chair Access: (Rate this as if you were mobility impaired.)
Year Opened: (The original construction open date.)
Playing Surface: (If you don't have to water or mow it, then it is artificial.)
Artificial Turf Type: (Optional)
Track? (Do you have a track around the field?)
Soccer? (Do you have Soccer lines for Soccer?)
Video Scoreboard? (Do you have a Video Score board?)
Press Box Elevator? (Do you have a Press Box Elevator?)
Stadium Type:
Stadium Owner: (This is usually a school district, church or city)
Stadium Web Address: (This is a web page specifically for the stadium.)

Home Team Information:

Home Team 1
Team 1 Website:
Home Team 2
Team 2 Website:
Home Team 3
Team 3 Website:
Home Team 4
Team 4 Website:
Home Team 5
Team 5 Website:
Home Team 6
Team 6 Website:
Home Team 7
Team 7 Website:
Home Team 8
Team 8 Website:
Home Team 9
Team 9 Website:
Tell me about your stadium or comment on any correction you are submitting.

Email required (emails never shared)
Email : (required)

You must check the "I'm Not A Robot" box and complete the reCAPTCHA task at the right before you click on send.

This is not an automatic entry, I will review the submission and publish it as soon as possible. I would appreciate an email address. This allows me to acknowledge your submission and ask any questions I have. I do not use your email for anything else!

Do you have a photo of this facility? Click on the button at the left and follow the instructions